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Writer's pictureOCSA Rescue

Where does He go From Here?

We have an ideal vision of every kitten growing normally and being adopted quickly into a loving home. We live in the harsh reality that sometimes they struggle. Sometimes, they aren't adopted quickly and they outgrow the cute little kitten phase. We deal with special diets, behavior issues, special needs and picky brats.

Then, we deal with cats like Tamaki. No one can quite figure him out. He had a rough beginning; rejected by his sibling and mother, I bottle fed him and would fall asleep with him in my hands. I would wake up to him fussing and meowing, and wanting to crawl all over the place though he had no sight or hearing. He was always wanting to be on the go, or eating. He was never satisfied.

The mess. I can't begin to describe the amount of cleaning that went into caring for this one bowel-distressed kitten. Special foods and probiotic additives, veterinary visits and constant cleaning were Tamaki's world. The mess was seemingly unending. He had no sense of aim, nor desire to learn. He drove me insane with the arrogant look on his face as he completely missed the box.

Months of dedicated care, cautious food changes, rounds of food powders, expensive treats with medicine hidden in it, and loads of patience later... Tamaki can hit the mark. He even looks proud of himself when he does it. His stomach is still sensitive, but as long as he does not eat outside of his regular diet, he is fine. He still constantly has to be on the move, and only wants to be held for brief moments of special love, which is met with deep purrs. He is playful and beautiful, and best of all... healthy!

Tamaki has been here so long though, that he is no longer a cute little kitten. He is a full 10 months old. He has overcome so much, and developed so much personality, only to find himself on the list to end up in the Lincoln County Animal Shelter.

"Why?" You ask?

Because the rules of our city license restrict the number of adult cats (over 4 months old, which is exactly when they are old enough to get fixed) that we can have in our facility. When we have those left-over kittens reach 4 months and they have not gone to foster homes, they immediately get fixed and go to the shelter. However, because Tamaki was sick at that age, he did not qualify for transfer.

Now Tamaki needs a home. This is his exposé, his introduction to the world, his dating profile (sorry ladies, he's fixed), his social media blast, etc. It is my hope that someone out there has feeling like mine about a cat like this, he is special. He is different, he is crazy, he chases the shadow of his tail, but when his tail touches him he looks really confused, he plays with dogs, he leaps through the grass like a goat and he is a ginger kitty. Tamaki needs someone special.

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